jBasher documentation

a (VERY) basic programming language using the weirdest interpreter you've ever seen with virtually no error handling

Table Of Contents

How to use

go into your command line and type node jbasher.js [your file]
your file can be any file type (i guess) but i would prefer you use .txt because yeah


put ## before text to make it into a comment


say [string (in quotes)]
you can also include variables by putting the variable name surrounded by hashtags in a string. example:

set string test as hello
say "#test#, world!"
## outputs "hello, world!"

you can also include number type variables into the string.


variables are declared using the set command. for now, there are only 2 types (string, number and list) but i hope to add more later.


Strings are lines of text.


set string [name] as [text]


#[variable]# (if using in say command, put it in the quotes)

Adding strings to variable

add [text] to string [variable]


Numbers are exactly what they say. numbers.


set number [name] as [number]


#[variable]# (if using in say command, put it in the quotes)


add [number] to [variable]
sadly i can't figure out how to add variables to variables, but this will have to work for now.


subtract [number] from [variable]

Random numbers

a random number is an At (@) symbol next to the maximum number. for example, @25 returns a random number between 1 and 25.

keep in mind that set string, set number, and set list are two different commands and operate slightly differently. set string does not need quotes in string.


lists are a list of strings into one variable. basically the javascript array but more confusing.


set list [name]

Adding things to list

add [text] to list [list]

Getting string from list


Jumping to a certain line

the goto command is used to hop to a certain line of code. here is an example:

  goto 4
  say "this line is never shown"
  say "neither is this"
  say "this is shown"

and here is the syntax: goto [line number]

If statements

the if statement is pretty simple, with a goto command built into it. keep in mind though, the statement must have no spaces in it. variables will need hashtags around it.
syntax: if [statement] then goto [line number]

set number a as 5
if 6==#a# then goto 5
say "1 is incorrect"
goto 6
say "#1 is correct!"
if 6!=#a# then goto 9
say "2 is incorrect"
goto 11
say "2 is correct!"
goto 11
## end


loops are very, very simple. but theres a problem. you can't goto the first line of the program or it will show you an error. its sad, i know. but there's a bodge for that! just add a comment at the first line and make the goto command that loops to the beginning say goto 2 instead of goto 1!!

this will work:

## bodge (this will work)
say "this text will loop"
goto 2

this will not work:

say "this will show an error"
goto 1

Loop for n times

this uses a combination of the if statement and goto. barebone example:

set number i as 0
if #i#>n then goto 8
add 1 to i 
## keep the add number there. that is to add i
## replace n with how many times you want it to run
## put what you want to loop here
goto 2
## what to do when finished

actual example:

set number i as 0
if #i#>=5 then goto 6
add 1 to i
say "#i#"
goto 2
say "ok done"